Monday, March 10, 2008

Brian Roberts Running Wild

Dear Fantasy Baseball Diary,

One of my Keepers, Orioles second baseman Brian Roberts, stole 2 bases today. And both in the same inning! And then he crossed home plate and lifted the umps fucking wallet! This guy can't NOT steal.

That's 7 steals Roberts has now in Spring Training and he's never been caught. But you know what? He's a Keeper not just because he steals bases. He's also a Keeper because... he steals my heart.

[single tear]

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Andy, doing a great job rubbing the Tulowitzki deal in my face... especially now that Im not keeping McCann.

However, me and B.J. Up-Side will be looking forward to our first meeting of the year.

Glad to see that both sides are sataisfied with the Tulo/McCann deal, however.

This blog hasn't seen the last of me.